Happiness: Pay it Forward

I once wrote that happiness is a choice. Part of me still feels that way, but an older, more aware Giselle now understands that happiness, while still a choice, is one road that many are not able to travel. One of the greatest lessons that my Mother shared with me, was to be happy for others. This small act costs me nothing. In fact, I am not taking on their situation. I am an observer, passing by, and in that moment I smile, and feel good for them, and do so with an open heart.

Being happy for someone else is no way negates who you are or the situation that engulfs you. I once read an article which went into detail, that people should avoid posting pictures or stories about joyful moments in their lives because it may make others feel bad. What! Really?
I remember becoming angry while reading this piece because I found it coated with resentment. Granted it has been years since I last read it, so I will share the gist. Basically, stop posting information about the awesome things going on in your life because, it upsets those who are not happy. That’s not how I roll. But, I do know people who follow this doctrine religiously. This article was geared to Facebook postings. The author cautioned the reader of what to post on their personal timelines. Tone down on the pictures of you and your boyfriend, or of you and your wife on your luxury vacation, or announcing the new job that you are starting. Just stop posting anything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Keep in mind that the author was focusing on what you displayed on your timeline, not your friends, or your neighbours, or a community group. Now, I could go into detail on how I found all of this absurd, but I will let it go, for now.

If someone chooses not to like something that I post, I understand that. It is their perogative. They have the choice to hide my post, delete the information or unfriend me. My choice is to share what delights me. I will not assume to understand what goes through people’s minds or what they are going through. Those closest to me know me well enough that I will support a person in any way that I can. I will not abate their circumstance. I will empathize. I will listen. I will learn. I will love. I will stand back to allow you to work through your situation the best way you know how. I can do all of this without becoming the situation.

I will continue to follow my Mother’s path. I will be happy for others because that is how I roll.  


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