My thoughts on As we Forgive - Chapters 1 - 3

I am reading As We Forgive by Catherine Claire Larson. I completed chapter one.

My heart understands Restoration, Shalom, and the Umuvumu Tree Project. My mind is having a harder time adjusting.

I had goose bumps while reading the chapter. I can not begin to fathom the depths of suffering that Rosaria has endured. To have the power to forgive, with an open heart, Saveri, the man who slaughtered Rosaria's sister Christine and her two children. As I write this, I still can not express how her story has touched me. This woman defines greatness.

I was raised to believe that forgiveness cleansed your soul. It took me many years to grasp the concept. But now, that I have peaked into the life of one who embodies forgiveness, I take a step back.

What is my forgiveness capacity?

Could I forgive someone who killed my love ones? Would I?


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